Saturday, March 19, 2011

UNSCR 1973 on Libya


  1. Libya Solutions

    1 - United Nations: discussion (part) 'democracy' with 'country' (including 2 points - found: Consensus in the 'country')
    + Protesters' about 2 / 3 - The country people '(anti-government) -> governments' innovation completely. " Approximately 1 / 3 'country people' -> compromise 'response'.

    + The 'leader' country: tenure (and vote 'trend': two times a term.)

    2 - (Outside) no intervention (internal):
    conflict 'protest' - 4 elements:

    + Authorities 'response' 'rights' (people).

    + Review: 'water quantity' 'against government' (Libya. ..) - how to resolve 'demanding' people.

    + 'Government' is not 'resolutions'' Security Council United Nations' (votes' absolute ') and' leader 'is not' banned movement. "

    + The 'link in the region' 'not opposed' (ie the Arab League, ASEAN, Africa ...).

    3 - Apply 'military intervention' (external) - based on:

    + Article 7 - The United Nations Charter

    + A country (outside) no intervention. Number of coordinated water (shown: part - many 'people' World).

    4 - Make 'intervention measures' 'outside' 'purpose':

    + Prevent conflict (violence): 'government' and 'people - oppose'.

    + Response: 'government solutions' and (require) 'protesters'.

    + Intervention (external): 'solution' and stop (escalation) 'conflict' and 'faction' (in water).

    + 'Required' 'the government' (is): Negotiation - meet 'the people' -> stop 'intervention' (population: the decision).

    5 - The 'intervention' ('outside' or 'water' 'participation'):

    + Response: desire 'majority, World - purpose (' on ') (Section 4).

    + Do not 'responsible' build 'new government' (citizens 'decision').

    + The (problem) 'conflict' Left: the 'UN' 'coordination' in every country and region.

    United Nations implement 5 'elements' (above) is:

    - Avoid (condition - in Libya), the protesters 'conflict' (assert basic 'human'). 'Government' apply 'the protesters' armed -> create 'force' rebel: repression.

    - Avoid: the wrong intervention (external) as 'constraints' (factors '4 '- Section 2) and ('4 Factors' section 4).

    - The solution (on the) 'did not happen Civil War' (by 'community' is not 'recognized' and 'isolation'.
    Government (will) meet the 'right people' and (will) 'no fear' 'protests'.

    Human civilization: to know - the unified 'solution' (above) -> is not 'civil war'.

  2. commentary 1:

    Struggle with (the) 'Islamist ideology' and 'terrorist organizations' success in the Middle East - the countries in the region' striving democracy. "

    1 - (when) The 'Middle East' achieve 'democracy' is:

    + Benefits and Life (People's) response.

    + People: 'participation' (good) in the 'government' (vote, requires' policy'...).

    + State: from 'people's' ownership and the 'power' properly executed.


    People to participate in nation building (good) is 'to develop' (country) decided by the people themselves ('developing country': the level of 'intellectual', the 'satisfaction'.

    The 'benefits' with 'the people'. "

    2 - Prevent 'extremist Islamic ideology':

    + 'State' 'power' the right (not focused) and not 'some individuals'' spending power '(Reason: selective progressive and democratic' elections.)

    The extremist Islamic ideology 'difficult' propaganda 'established: the State' Taliban style '.. By, 'Islamist ideology' applicable State 'Taliban model, the' accumulation of power '(' rule ') and' forced 'people (women lower benefits, lifestyle' draconian ' ...).

    + If 'sabotage': action 'life' (each 'people').

    Government that 'the people' 'participation' at: the 'political apathy', with the 'opposition' policy. Meanwhile, 'the extremist Islamic organizations' (such as the AlQaeda organization'...): break 'the State' which 'people' less 'consensus'. 'Life' 'meet' so bad ... 'people' is not a strong fight.

    'Terrorism' is: a / against 'the government' that people 'support' 'vote'; b / terrorism where 'public' as against 'the place to do business' (individual) people (life response: the 'public place' associated lifestyles life does not meet: the 'people' working poor and unemployed, so less' presence'...). Thus, 'rights' to people (a, b) they (will) fight 'keep well'.

    + Social Democracy: 'People' 'progress' (do not get dragged 'extremist Islamic ideology').

    Middle Eastern countries like Egypt, Iran, United Arab Emirates, Lebanon, Iraq, Bahrain ... striving democracy (good): prevent 'the extremist Islamic organizations. "

    Democracy (good) 'each country' shall not 'affect - the dominant' countries: Russia, U.S., China, Iran and other countries ... 'good contact'.

  3. Solution Libya (next -> Resolution No. 1973 of the Security Council of the United Nations)

    (3/23/2011, me and Development Programme UNDP United Nations; Le Thanh Duc 39 - 'Ngu Hai' - Vinh City)

    'Coalition' 'Resolution 1973 of the United Nations' conflict and prevent violence against civilians.

    Strategy (continued):

    1 - 'coalition' - used (only) 'aircraft - the type monitored' supervision Libya.

    a / - if 'Gadhafi government troops' use 'weapons' (heavy), such as tanks, artillery ... 'Allied forces' use 'jet' and 'missile': destruction.

    b / - If: (repeat) occur 'conflicts - the Civil War' -> catastrophic 'ordinary people':

    (When) a 'city' (or where): (continued) fighting took place -> 'coalition forces' use (group' infantry) 'landing': 'measures' to prevent (stop - both sides) - > then taking the (campaign)

    Campaign (each place): (can) a day, a few days ... (optional) 'need time' (infantry) are present (there). Finished campaigns: withdrawal - 'instant' (group of soldiers) from Libya (the ground).

    c / - 'infantry groups' implementation 'campaign' - to mobilize (from):

    + Warships; or

    + Countries' (near) to 'garrison' (temporary). When 'Mr. Gadhafi' 'resigned acceptance' -> 'troops' (where) retreat - 'instant' (end).

    2 - The United Nations shall:

    a / - Implementation: 'work' (humanitarian) with people.

    b / - Promotion (all - the forces, factions ...) ceasefire. Negotiations 'establishment' 'Libyan authorities' new.

    'Libyan government forces' (old) are allowed to 'join', 'son' of 'Mr. Gadhafi' allowed 'to participate' ('government of national reconciliation' new).

  4. 3 - 'Mr. Gadhafi' not 'involved' 'new government', because:

    a / - (number of) 'the protesters' - 'object' many (previously).

    b / - Army 'Mr. Gadhafi' used 'mercenaries' lot. Country by the military people (consensus 'participation' - protection).

    c / - 'Mr. Gadhafi' leaders 'long', not the 'trend' 'human progress', lack of 'democracy'. Countries China, Russia, Venezuela ... (also) did not support - 'leaders' 'holding power' for many years and did not vote.

    d / - 'Mr. Gadhafi' no 'response' interests' (most of) the people (protesters: life).
    'Mr. Gadhafi' must go and the 'private property' (property right). The 'other assets': the 'people of Libya' - reconstruction using 'country'.

    4 - With time, if:

    - 'Mr. Gadhafi' not resign.

    - 'Conflict - hinder': 'the new government set up' - 'disaster' the people '.

    - Preventing 'the protesters' or 'oppose' (method).

    Will: 'use' group 'elite soldiers' arrest Mr.Gadhafi. Reason 'arrest' 'Mr. Gadhafi': 'International Court of Justice' will (then) to investigate: 'Mr. Gadhafi' attack 'protesters'.

    (When) - start 'Mr. Gadhafi', will:

    - 'New government' and 'the people': the decision; or

    - The countries with the United Nations perspective, 'Mr. Gadhafi' 'yes or no' exile.

    5 - 'democracy' - the executable (right), will:

    The people of Libya - receptive: 'method' produce 'progress' and 'operating state' ('election'). Unlike 'old regime' - 'mode' poor production; income people - divided by 'oil' (mostly). People required: good labor rights.

    Democracy: The 'resource' is fine - not the 'dominant' (to: management and procurement; transparency). At that time, Russia, America, China, France ... not 'influence'.

    EU: production methods, management of social progress -> Libya cooperation: transfer of 'technology'. Geographic locations: Libya near Europe -> exchange efficiency.

    'Gadhafi personally' threat reduction 'security - peace' in Europe: the European People's struggling (to prevent threats).

    UN: discussion (all countries) - 5 points (as above) -> execute 'peace and human progress', 'Libya happy people'.
